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Dress Code Policy

Center Elementary Dress Code Policy

Center Elementary School encourages our Flyers to be dressed in attire that reflects their readiness to learn. Please review the below policy. We believe that appropriate attire and personal grooming are essential for a learning environment focused on high achievement. Staff, parents, and volunteers are the models of this code and are expected to follow it as well when on campus. If you have any questions please call 707-437-4621.  


  • Call home for a change of clothing will occur if needed. 
  • Repeat violations of the dress code may result in consequences such as loss of recess, or confiscation of item, i.e., hats. 
  • This applies to ALL grades, including TK and kindergarten.

The following rules will be enforced to maintain this environment:

  • School attire, including backpacks, should be appropriate and in good taste. No offensive logos, i.e. alcohol, tobacco, weapons, profanity, or inflammatory statements are allowed.
  • Shirts should have a modest neckline and sleeveless tops must have ID card width shoulder straps. Shirts and bottoms must meet to cover the body with no gaps. Therefore short-shorts, bare midriff tops, most tank tops, strapless outfits, skimpy tops (as in see-through), deep necklines, or large areas of exposed skin are not considered appropriate dress for school regardless of gender.
  • All clothing on the legs must be no more than an ID card length above the knee. Pants (or any clothing on the legs) with holes/rips that do not fall below the ID card length knee requirement, must be worn with leggings or tights underneath. Pants must fit at the waist and not sag down to or past the hips.
  • During the school day, rubber-soled shoes are recommended and required for PE participation. Sandals, flip-flops, slippers, socks, heels, or platform shoes are prohibited because they present a safety hazard on the playground and during physical education. Heelys are not allowed.
  • Hats, caps, hoods, or any head covering are not to be worn inside the building unless for medical or religious reasons. They are not worn in class except for PE or recess when outside for sun protection.
  • Over-sized earrings and jewelry (such as chains and necklaces) are prohibited due to safety reasons. Students are not permitted to wear makeup with non-tinted lip balm as the exception.
  • Fridays are School Spirit Day. All students are encouraged to wear their spirit wear or green and white.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Center Elementary School Staff