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Visiting or Volunteering?

 Visiting Center Campus
What's the difference between observersvisitors, and volunteers??
An observer is spending a minimal (up to 30 mins) approved time by your child's teacher and Principal in a single location; classroom, playground, or MPR. Typically these visits occur during instructional time.  During this time, a parent or guardian can observe their child during teaching or playtime.  You must complete the Center Elementary Classroom Observation Request and have approval before coming to Center campus. 

Picture of a stage with the words School Assembly as the backdrop

Visitors are families and friends coming to a school-wide assembly, afterschool PTA, or family-friendly event.  Also, if you are dropping your student off at their line before school starts at 8:00am, you must sign in at the office and obtain a visitor sticker.  Visiting during dances or student-only events is prohibited.  


Volunteers are parents or relatives that have completed the volunteer clearance process to safely assist teachers or PTA, on Center’s campus or on TUSD-approved field trips.  You must be cleared by our district system, CERVIS, which does not share or utilize previous data from outside sources such as neighboring districts, or previous jobs that required background clearances.  This process is straightforward and can be done online.  Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to this process; this is for the safety of the students.  This process can take up to a week, so please plan accordingly for helping out in the classrooms, on field trips, etc.

  • Examples of volunteering; LEVEL 1 – Helping on Center’s campus with direct and constant supervision of a TUSD employee. Which includes helping the teacher with classwork or students in class, or working in any area of our campus with school equipment.  LEVEL 2 (requires fingerprinting*) – Helping out in classrooms where you will be or might be alone with students; exp. When walking students up and down halls to and from classrooms for picture day, etc., or having a group of students for chaperoning during field trips.
  • Apply to become a volunteer today.

For more information on volunteering please click the link to be directed to our district's page, click here.    

For questions, please call the office at 707-437-4621 or click the link to be directed to the district's frequently asked questions(FAQs).